Wednesday, July 4, 2018

A legitimate peripheral participant or an active lurker

A community of Practice or CoP is an interesting theory I cherish. I just put several books of Wenger in my Amazon book carts. It’s expensive…but worthwhile I believe. In terms of CoP I am a legitimate peripheral participant in many communities. I usually read and hit ‘like’ button but rarely post my own postings. So, am I just gleaning any values created by others? Well, not all people speak or shout… Only at the time when they feel comfortable and confident with their thinking. In our real world, some are just good listeners and others are good speakers. I define myself as an active lurker or good listener. I actively read and reshare information and knowledge. I am not confident in my own knowledge or opinion yet. Additionally, I am not comfortable with posting something publicly under my real name. I may need to use a pseudonym for sharing something online.  

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